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Transforming Human Nature in Science, Technology and the Arts


Vom 21. bis 23. Oktober 2011 findet die erste globale Konferenz zum Thema "Transforming Human Nature in Science, Technology and the Arts" in Dublin statt. Hier der Call for Papers:

The New York Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, the University of Exeter, and University Nürnberg-Erlangen are pleased to announce the 1st Global Conference on Transforming Human Nature in Science, Technology, and the Arts. The conference will be held in Dublin, Ireland from October 21st - 23rd, 2011. We invite papers and panel proposals.

From biomedical enhancement to the movements of transhumanism and posthumanism, the transformation of how society regards the category of 'the human' is becoming ever more visible. The impact of this transformation is evident in the sciences and the humanities, globalization, the medical professions, political discourse, popular culture, and the role of technology in our personal and public lives. Where can and will this transformation of 'the human' lead? From simple enhancements to the posthuman, what concerns should be the focus of these arenas?

The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to bring together voices and perspectives from a variety of academic disciplines as well as fields of public practice and application concerning the development and transformation of our
understanding of 'the human.'  We invite papers from across the disciplines that will shed light on the state of affairs, especially the consequences of enhancement and transhumanist and posthumanist accounts of 'the human across the disciplines.' 

Papers will be selected and arranged according to related topics. Equal voice will be given, if possible, for presentations from the arts, humanities, sciences, and technological fields.


Weitere Informationen befinden sich auf der Website der Konferenz:
